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67 min

4 videos

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Frida Kahlo

(1907-1954), Mexico


Discover the true essence of Frida Kahlo's artistic genius in our groundbreaking online masterclass. Have you ever wondered why Kahlo's work continues to captivate the world? Join us as we challenge the prevailing narrative surrounding her life and work, diving deep into the heart of her art and questioning her characterisation as a surrealist artist. In this unique learning experience, we will unveil the hidden treasures within seven of Kahlo's most iconic paintings, carefully examining the intricate details and symbolism that reveal her life and, more importantly, her profound legacy in art history. By focusing on her work rather than her personal struggles, we aim to shift the conversation and present Kahlo as the powerful artist she truly was. Enrol now to embark on a journey that combines meticulous analysis and intimate revelations on how she perceived her life and practice. Through the lens of her diary and personal reflections, we will explore the secrets and details that make her art truly exceptional. Don't miss this opportunity to gain a profound understanding of Kahlo's artistic legacy.
Descubre la verdadera esencia del genio artístico de Frida Kahlo en esta innovadora masterclass en línea. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué el trabajo de Kahlo sigue cautivando al mundo? Acompáñanos mientras desafiamos la narrativa dominante que rodea su vida y trabajo, sumergiéndonos profundamente en su obra y cuestionando su caracterización como artista surrealista. En esta experiencia de aprendizaje única, revelaremos los secretos detrás de siete de las pinturas más icónicas de Kahlo, examinando cuidadosamente sus intrincados detalles y el simbolismo que revela su vida y, lo que es más importante, su profundo legado en la historia del arte. Al centrarnos en su trabajo en lugar de sus luchas personales, nuestro objetivo es cambiar la conversación que ha existido respecto a su obra y presentar a Kahlo como la poderosa artista que realmente fue. Inscríbete ahora para embarcarte en un viaje que combina un análisis meticuloso de su obra y revelaciones íntimas sobre cómo percibió su vida y práctica. A través del lente de su diario y reflexiones personales, exploraremos detalles que hacen que su arte sea realmente excepcional. No te pierdas esta oportunidad de obtener una comprensión profunda del legado artístico de Frida Kahlo.
67 min
4 videos


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About the lecturer

Daniela Galan is the founder and director of Amalgama. She is a registered lecturer at the Arts Society in the United Kingdom and has over 17 years of research in art history and philosophy. She has focused her investigation on artists from Latin America, especially female artists whose work remains underrepresented within the art industry. This was the founding purpose of Amalgama, which led her to curate numerous exhibitions, forums and publications since its inception in 2018. 

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