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50 min

3 videos

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Maria Izquierdo

(1902-1955), Mexico


Step into a captivating journey that will unravel the poetic language of Maria Izquierdo. Her work skillfully and seamlessly merged a distinct national worldview with an international aesthetic to create a groundbreaking visual perspective. Contrary to the exclusive notion of her work being purely folkloric and confined to a singularly Mexican aesthetic, we will challenge such assumptions, exploring the depth and complexity of her art. Through thought-provoking discussions and close analyses, you will gain insights into how Izquierdo artfully navigated the post-revolutionary era, capturing the liminal experiences of women in Mexico as they sought to redefine their social roles. Prepare to be inspired and enlightened by an artist whose vision transcended borders and paved the way for a new artistic frontier.
Acompáñanos un viaje cautivador para explorar el lenguaje poético de María Izquierdo. Su trabajo fusionó hábilmente una distintiva cosmovisión nacional con una estética internacional para crear una perspectiva visual innovadora. Contraria a la noción que ha limitado su trabajo a un elemento puramente folclórico y confinado a una estética singularmente mexicana, esta clase desafiará tales suposiciones, para explorar la profundidad y complejidad de su propuesta artística. A través de discusiones que invitan a la reflexión y análisis detallados de su obra, obtendrás información invaluable sobre cómo Izquierdo navegó ingeniosamente la era posrevolucionaria, capturando las experiencias liminales de las mujeres en México mientras buscaban redefinir sus roles sociales. Prepárate para ser inspirarte con la obra de una artista cuya visión trascendió las fronteras y pavimentó el camino hacia una nueva frontera artística.
50 min
3 videos


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About the lecturer

Daniela Galan is the founder and director of Amalgama. She is a registered lecturer at the Arts Society in the United Kingdom and has over 17 years of research in art history and philosophy. She has focused her investigation on artists from Latin America, especially female artists whose work remains underrepresented within the art industry. This was the founding purpose of Amalgama, which led her to curate numerous exhibitions, forums and publications since its inception in 2018. 

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